챗지피티 ChatGPT로 비즈니스를 위한 회화 명령어 프롬프트 Prompt 예시
챗지피티 ChatGPT 비즈니스 상황 별 표현 회화 명령어 프롬프트 Prompt
Please make a list of basic business English expressions by situation.
Please make a list of basic business English expressions by job function.
Please make a list of basic business English expressions by industry.
Please make a list of basic business English expressions by situation and by level of difficulty.
챗지피티 ChatGPT 상황 별 비즈니스 세부 표현 회화 명령어 프롬프트 Prompt
Please make a list of important business expressions for meetings.
Please make a list of important business expressions for presentations.
Please make a list of important business expressions for office talks.
Please make a list of important business expressions for briefing.
Please make a list of important business expressions for sales talk.
Please make a list of important business expressions for negotiations.
Please make a list of English expressions used when opening a Zoom meeting.
Please make a list of English expressions used on the phone in office.
Please make a list of English expressions used to answer customers’ inquiries.
Please make a list of English expressions used to talk about marketing plans.
Please make a list of English expressions used to schedule an event.
Please make a list of English expressions used to talk about employee benefits.
챗지피티 ChatGPT 비즈니스 상황별 회화문 뽑기 회화 명령어 프롬프트 Prompt
Please make 3 dialogues with 3 turns. Suppose A is a salesperson from a supplier called Fast Company, and B is a purchasing team manager from Peace Inc.
Please make 3 dialogues with 3 turns. Suppose A is a client named Mr. Lopez from Good Company, and B is a marketing assistant from Better Inc. on the phone.
Please make 3 dialogues with 3 turns. Suppose A is a mobile game software developer from Special Tech., and B is a headhunter from Nice Search Firm on the phone.
Please make 3 dialogues with 3 turns. Suppose A is a journalist from Big News, and B is the CEO from Success Study, an EdTech startup.
챗지피티 ChatGPT 비즈니스 상황별 대화 프롬프트 회화 명령어 프롬프트 Prompt
Let’s have a conversation simulation. Suppose you’re an interviewer, and I’m a job applicant for a marketing assistant position. You start talking.
Let’s have a conversation simulation. You’re the manager of Marketing Team, and I’m a new intern who has been just assigned to your team. You start talking.
Let’s have a conversation simulation. You’re a worker for an IT conference organizer, and I’m one for a participating company. I want to make an inquiry. You start talking.
Let’s have a conversation simulation. You’re a security guard checking every visitor at the gate, and I’m a visitor. You start talking.
Let’s have a conversation simulation. You’re an assistant to Director Ms. Thompson at Smart Technology, and I’m another assistant to Mr. Gomez at Simple Venture Capital. You and I need to arrange a meeting between our supervisors for next week. You start with greetings.
Let’s have a conversation simulation. You’re a motivational speaker named Ted Jones, and I’m in charge of education at a company and trying to invite you to a company workshop. You start talking.
Let’s have a conversation simulation. Suppose you’re a reporter from a newspaper, and I’m PR manager trying to promote a new product. You start talking with greetings.
Let’s have a conversation simulation. Suppose you’re on a company’s legal team, and I’m a marketing assistant making an inquiry on copyright infringement. You start talking with greetings.
Let’s have a conversation simulation. You’re on Finance Team, and I’m a salesperson applying for reimbursement for the business trip last week. You start talking with greetings.
Let’s have a conversation simulation. You’re my supervisor, and I’m your team member. We’re having the year end appraisal for every member, and it is my turn to have a meeting with you. You start talking.
Let’s have a conversation simulation. You’re a government inspector, and I’m showing you around my company’s factory. My company is a snack manufacturer titled Yummy Bear. You start talking.
Let’s have a conversation simulation. You’re Mr. Paul Anderson from Simple Tech. a supplier, and I’m Nicole Brown from smart Trend, a client. We are going to talk about entering into a supply contract. You start talking.
Let’s have a conversation simulation. You’re a chauffeur to Director Mr. Henkes, and I’m Meg Johnson, Mr. Henke’s assistant. We need to talk about your driving schedules today. You start talking.
Let’s have a conversation simulation, You’re a HR manager, and I’m Mr. Cage, HR Director. I want you to report what was discussed in yesterday’s meeting which I missed. You start talking.
Let’s have a conversation simulation. Suppose you’re an interviewer, and I’m a job applicant for a marketing assistant position. You start talking.
챗지피티 ChatGPT 스몰토크 검색 프롬프트 회화 명령어 프롬프트 Prompt
I’m meeting with an English man in his 40s. What small talks would you recommend when I talk with him?
I’m going to have a conversation with a 40 something Arab man in English. What small talks would you recommend, and what topics should I avoid?
I’m meeting with an Indonesian woman. What small talks would you recommend when I talk with her?
I’m meeting with a Ukrainian man. What small talks would you recommend , and what topics should I avoid?
챗지피티 ChatGPT 나라 / 지역별 영어 표현 회화 명령어 프롬프트 Prompt
Please give me some British English expressions I can use in conversations with an English man?
Please give me some Kiwi English expressions I can use in conversations with a New Zealander?
Please give me some Aussie English expressions I can use in conversations with an Australian?
Please let me know some Irish English expressions I can use in conversations with an Irish?
Please let me know some Scottish expressions I can use in conversations with a Scot?
Please let me know some Welsh expressions I can use in conversations with a Welsh?
출처 및 책구매: 조이스박의 챗GPT 영어공부법
조이스박의 챗GPT 영어공부법 - 예스24
챗GPT 영어공부법30년차 영어교육 전문가가 작정하고 만든 챗GPT 영어학습서영어회화/리스닝/리딩/라이팅/텍스트톡/어휘/문법/시험영어까지 총망라한국인의 영어공부에 최적화된 챗GPT 영어학습
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챗지피티 ChatGPT로 영어 회화 연습 명령어 만들기 프롬프트 Prompt 예시 (초등학생 및 일반 초보자를 위한)
챗지피티 ChatGPT로 영어 회화 연습 명령어 만들기 프롬프트 Prompt 예시 (초등학생 및 일반 초보자
초등학생 및 일반(초보자)를 위한 ChatGPT를 이용한 영어 회화 연습 방법과 프롬프트 예시 How to practice English conversation using ChatGPT for elementary school students and beginners & example prompts - 초등학생 회화연