토익 기출문제 pdf 자동사 특정 전치사와 어울리는 자동사
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토익 기출문제 pdf 자동사 특정 전치사와 어울리는 자동사

by 끝장토익 토익과외 2024. 3. 15.

토익 기출문제 pdf 토익 기출 어휘 특정 전치사와 어울리는 자동사


< 자동사 + 전치사 >
: 아래 기출 자동사 어휘는 영어에서 타동사 쓰이는 경우도 많습니다. 문맥에 맞게 판단하는 것이 중요하지만 토익에서 아래 단어는 주로 자동사+전치사 출제됩니다.


adhere to                                   고수하다, 지키다
= comply with                              ~
= be compliant with
= be in compliance with
= conform to
= observe


- At Konas Manufacturing Company, we are always careful to adhere _______ to safety rules.
(A) strictly  

(B) awkwardly  

(C) heavily 

(D) tensely
strictly = stringently = rigorously

- Fabric products shipped abroad must _______ with all international labeling requirements.
(A) assign 

(B) comply 

(C) obey 

(D) adhere


apply to V / for + N                ~ 신청[지원]하다


- We are sorry to inform you that the position you _______ is open only to an experienced sales worker.
(A) interviewed 

(B) offered 

(C) applied for 

(D) explained to


assist (사람) in/with                    (사람) ~ 돕다


- Technical support personnel are available 24 hours a day to _______ you if you have a problem with your computer or other equipment.
(A) assist 

(B) tell 

(C) lend 

(D) explain


benefit from                              ~에서 혜택 얻다


- Many local people expect the community to _______ from the expended commerce and job creation because of Chandler’s project.
(A) benefit 

(B) collect 

(C) assist 

(D) allow


communicate with + sb           ~ 의사소통 하다


- During the study, researchers spent the first phase _______ with individuals who had experienced unusual side effects while taking the medication.
(A) regulating 

(B) acquainting 

(C) communicating  

(D) contemplating




compete with/against + sb
compete for + sth                                       


- To be chosen as the building contractor for the new museum, Rappert Construction must first _______ against several other construction firms.
(A) contribute 

(B) decide 

(C) compete 

(D) associate

- The small grocery stores that have been around for years must _______ with large supermarkets established by big-name retailers.
(A) relocate 

(B) participate  

(C) compete 

(D) interfere


conclude (with)                  끝나다, ~ 마무리짓다
cf. conclude(vt.) + that S+V ~라고 결론내리다


- Christina Layton’s latest oil painting exhibition at the Sanford Gallery, Colors of Nature, _______ yesterday.
(A) determined 

(B) assumed 

(C) invited 

(D) concluded


contend with + 사람         ~ 겨루다, 경쟁하다
추상명사          ~ 대처하다


- Several residents of Palecliff Apartments reported that they often have to _______ out-of-service elevators.
(A) aspire to  

(B) contend with  

(C) put forth  

(D) participate in


depend on/upon = rely on/upon = count on
= be (dependent/ reliant) on/upon


- Akon Deli’s menu options may be slightly different from those posted online depending _______ the availability of ingredients.
(A) with 

(B) entirely 

(C) upon 

(D) there


focus on                        ~ 중점을 두다
= concentrate on B            ~ 집중하다
focus A on B = focus on B = be focused on B
cf. focus 능동태와 수동태의 의미가 똑같음


- Bano Plastics' engineering department intends to _______ on developing new material with greater flexibility.
(A) operate 

(B) review 

(C) return  

(D) focus


grow[evolve] (from A) into[to] B   A에서 B 성장/진화하다


- Although once a quiet town, Centerville has _______ over the years into a bustling city.
(A) expected 

(B) experienced 

(C) evolved 

(D) entered


lead to                               ~ 이르다, ~하게 되다
cf. lead vt.지휘[인솔]하다, lead a seminar 세미나를 이끌다
result in, cause, bring about      초래하다, 유발하다


- As one of the longest thoroughfares 주요[간선] 도로 in the city, Lanning Avenue leads _______ to the municipal office complex. 
(A) straightened  

(B) straightening  

(C) straighten  

(D) straight  adv. 똑바로, adj. 똑바른

- City officials insist that plans to install new parking meters will not _______ to an increase in parking costs.
(A) experience  

(B) determine  

(C) lead 

(D) intend

- MNZ Bike’s updated manufacturing techniques will _______ in a higher quality product and greater output.
(A) finish 

(B) result  

(C) cease 

(D) complete



refrain from ~ing                       ~하는 것을 삼가다


- Please _______ from smoking anywhere on the premises of McConnell’s non-smoking restaurant.
(A) emerge 

(B) refrain 

(C) prohibit 

(D) differ


preside over      (회의의식 등을) 주재[주도]하다


- The vice president _______ over the committee meeting because the president was absent.
(A) addressed 

(B) presided  

(C) observed 

(D) evaluated


specialize in                           ~ 전문으로 하다


- Situated in New York city, HwaPyung Real Estate is a relatively small company that _______ in the real estate industry.
(A) considers 

(B) specializes 

(C) measures 

(D) receives

- Benoforce Staffing _______ in the provision of chefs and waiters for private and corporate events.
(A) considers  

(B) measures  

(C) specializes  

(D) receives


vary depending on                        ~ 따라 다양하다
vary from A to B                   A에서 B까지 다르다
= range from A to B             A에서 B까지 다양하다
vary in quality / amount / duration             
품질//기간에 따라 다르다
cf. differ from ~ 다르다 / differ by ~ 따라 다르다


- The age requirements for an opening of flight attendants _______ slightly from company to company.
(A) vary 

(B) spread 

(C) reflect 

(D) allow

- The director knew that each team’s contributions to the project _______ in amount and duration.
(A) varied 

(B) displaced  

(C) diminished 

(D) suspended


worry about                              ~ 대해 걱정하다

- With the generous data plans from Chun Mobile, customers rarely need to _______ about extra charges on their phone bills.
(A) dislike 

(B) suggest 

(C) worry 

(D) distract 



account for                                 ~ 대해 설명하다


adapt to                                      ~ 적응하다


agree with + 사람/사물              ~() 동의/합의하다
agree to/ about/ (up)on +
= consent to = concur with = accept
= agree(vt. ) + to
부정사 / that
/ 받아드리다


apologize for                           ~ 대하여 사과하다


appeal to + sb                              ~에게 관심을 끌다
= draw, attract


arrive at/on/in = reach                    ~ 도착하다


ask for                                        ~ 부탁[요청]하다


aspire to                                         ~ 갈망하다


begin with                                      ~ 시작하다


belong to                                        ~ 속하다


bode well[ill] for                좋은[나쁜]징조를 보이다


coincide with                              ~ 부합[일치]하다
: on the date that coincides with our business's second anniversary.
우리 사업의 2주년과 일치하는 날짜에


collaborate[cooperate] with + 사람      ~ 협력하다
 = work closely with sb
 = work collaboratively with sb
 = work cooperatively with sb
 = work alongside(prep.=with) sb


collaborate[cooperate] with +사람   ~ 협력[협동]하다
collaborate[cooperate] on +
    ~ 협력[협동]하다
ex. collaborated on today’s presentation


comment on        
= remark on                                 ~
대해 논평하다


communicate with                          ~ 의사소통하다


compete with/against + 사람(혹은 for sth)   경쟁하다


concentrate on                                ~ 집중하다


confer with                                     ~ 협의하다


conflict with                                   ~ 충돌[대립]하다


conform to                           (규칙, 등에) 따르다
= comply with = be compliant with = be in compliance with = adhere to = observe


consist of                                        ~ 구성되다
= comprise = be comprised of = be composed of


contribute to                                   ~ 공헌하다
cf. donate[contribute] A to B              A B 기부하다


couple with = combine                    ~ 연결하다


deal with                                ~ 다루다, 대처하다


decide on / to do ( decide+ N (X) ) ~ 결정하다


deliberate on                                 숙고하다


dispose of                                       제거하다, 없애다


excel at sth / at doing sth             뛰어나다, 탁월하다
ex. He excelled at music and art.


inquire about                                  ~ 대해 문의하다


insist on                                         강요하다, 고집하다
cf. insist that S + (should) V           


interfere with                                  ~ 방해하다


invest in                                        ~ 투자하다


listen to                                         ~ 듣다


look at                                            ~ 보다


look into                                         ~ 조사하다


look for                                          ~ 찾다


merge with                                    ~ 합병하다
= acquire, purchase                       


negotiate with                                 ~ 협상하다


object to = be opposed to N            ~ 반대하다




participate in = attend                ~ 참여하다


proceed with [to]                         진행하다, 나아가다


qualify for                            ~/받을 자격이 있다


react to                                          ~ 대해 반응하다


refer to                                 ~ 참조하다, 언급하다
refer A to B                   A B 여기다, 간주하다
   = regard A as B


register for                                   ~ 등록하다


respond to = in response to           ~ 응답하다


reply to = respond to           ~ 대해 응답(답장)하다

- Please _______ to this e-mail within 48 hours ~


stop by[in]                                      ~ 잠깐 들르다


subscribe to                                    ~ 구독하다


talk to                                            ~에게 얘기하다


talk about                                     ~ 대해 얘기하다


think of ( think+ N (X) )                  ~ 생각하다


turn off                                         ~ 끄다


wait for = await                              기다리다, 대기하다


work alongside                                ~ 함께 일하다




토익 기출문제 pdf 자동사+전치사 다운로드

토익 기출 어휘 pdf 특정 전치사와 어울리는 자동사.pdf



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토익 기출문제 pdf 접미어로 품사 구분하기

토익 기출문제 pdf 토익 Part 5,6 최고 많이 출제된 정답 단어 모음

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토익 기출문제 pdf be동사 + 형용사(보어) + 전치사


토익 기출문제 pdf 사람 명사 vs 사물 명사




토익 기출문제 pdf 사람 명사 vs 사물 명사

토익 기출문제 pdf 사람 명사 vs 사물 명사 사람 명사 vs 사물 명사 : 부정관사(a,an)가 있으면 사람명사(는 항상 가산이기 때문에 가산단수명사 앞에는 a,an 이 있어야 함), 관사가 없으면 사물명사(



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토익 기출문제 pdf 형용사+명사 토익 빈출 명사 어휘 문제

토익 기출 어휘 형용사+명사 토익 빈출 명사 어휘 문제 < 형용사 + 명사 > welcome addition (추가되어도) 환영받는 사람/물건 be welcome addition[valuable asset] to N ~에 소중한 자산이 되다 - The Indian Mall will be



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토익 기출문제 pdf 접미어로 품사 구분하기 ※ 접미어로 품사 구분하기 ※ 1. 명사형 접미사 -tion, -sion, -cion information 정보, decision 결정, coercion 강제 -ty, -sy, -cy responsibility 책임, autopsy 부검, accuracy



토익 기출문제 pdf be동사 + 형용사(보어) + 전치사 형태의 숙어

토익 기출 어휘 be동사 + 형용사(보어) + 전치사 형태의 숙어 be agreeable to 보어자리: 선뜻 동의하는[승낙하는] sth is agreeable to sb ~에게 받아들일 수 있는 sb is agreeable to sth ~에 선뜻 동의하는 cf. 명사



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토익 기출 문법 Part 5,6 최고 많이 출제된 정답 단어 모음 ※. RC 빈출 정답 단어 (문법) before + ~ing S+V ~전에 for ~을 위한/위해, ~에 대한/대해, ~용도로/목적으로 사람 + who(that) + V 사물 + which(that) + V



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토익 기출문제 pdf 현재분사 과거분사 + 명사 총정리 < 현재분사/과거분사 + 명사 > convincing(=persuasive) argument 설득력 있는 주장 - Mr. Ryu's argument was so _______ that the finance committee agreed to expand the adverti



토익 기출문제 pdf 복합명사 총정리

토익 기출문제 pdf 복합명사 총정리 < 명사 + 명사 = 복합명사 > morning break 쉬는 시간 - During the morning _______, workshop participants may help themselves to coffee or tea. (A) day (B) break (C) place (D) finish awards ceremony


토익 시험 자동사 순위 Top 50

1 emerge 출현하다 emerge from
2 benefit 이익을 얻다 benefit from
3 travel 여행하다 travel in
4 last 오래 지속되다  
5 register 등록하다 register for
6 contribute 기여하다 contribute to
7 expire 소멸하다, 사망하다  
8 participate 참여하다 participate in
9 enroll 등록하다 enroll in
10 arrive 도착하다 arrive in / arrive at
11 vary 다양하다 vary from
12 correspond 상응하다 correspond with
13 interfere 방해하다 interfere with
14 account 설명하다, 차지하다 account for
15 dispose 버리다 dispose of
16 cooperate 협력하다 cooperate with
17 comply 순응하다 comply with
18 depend 의존하다 depend on
19 rely 의존하다 rely on
20 differ 다르다 differ from
21 respond 반응하다 respond to
22 reply 응답하다 reply to
23 react 반응하다 react to
24 depart 출발하다 depart from
25 retire 은퇴하다 retire from
26 concentrate 집중하다 concentrate on
27 consist 구성하다 consist of
28 refrain 금지하다 refrain from
29 behave 행동하다  
30 belong 소속되다 belong to
31 deal 다루다 deal with
32 rest 의존하다 rest on
33 succeed 성공하다 succeed in
34 leave ~를 향해 떠나다 leave for
35 happen 일어나다 happen to
36 appear 나타나다 appear in
37 occur 발생하다 occur to
38 go 가다 go to
39 come 오다 come to
40 live 살다 live in
41 grow 자라다  
42 work 일하다 work in / work on
43 talk 말하다 talk to / talk about
44 resign 사임하다 resign from
45 search 찾다 search for
46 refer 참고하다 refer to
47 expand 확장하다 expand into
48 contend 겨루다 contend with
49 proceed 나아가다  
50 coincide 동시에 일어나다 coincide with


위 내용은 끝장토익토익과외 실제 수업 자료 중 일부분입니다.
(수업의 모든 자료는 기출문제를 기반으로 강사 자체 제작한 교재로 수강생분들의 단기간 성적향상으로 입증된 최고 양질의 토익 자료입니다!)
수업자료 전부(문법, 어휘, Part 7, L/C 등)를 원하시면 아래 링크 참고 부탁드립니다.

'온라인 class' 상세 내용 & 신청 링크
(실제 과외 수업의 모든 토익 자료를 온라인으로 제공합니다.)


[토익과외] 강사소개 및 수업안내 Expert TOEIC Tutoring!


'토익 개요 및 단기간 점수 향상 공부 방법 컨설팅 특강 (2시간)' 상세 내용 & 신청 링크



#토익 자동사
#inquire 자동사
#토익 자동사 전치사
#attract 자동사
#collaborate 자동사
#evolve 자동사
#conclude 자동사
#deliberate 자동사
#expire 전치사
#토익 빈출 자동사
#토익기본동사 pdf
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#donate 자동사
#draw 자동사
#established 전치사
#exelled 토익
#experience 자동사
#register 자동사
#토익 lend
#토익 자동사 pdf

