토익 기출문제 pdf 형용사+명사 토익 빈출 명사 어휘 문제


토익 기출문제 pdf 형용사+명사 토익 빈출 명사 어휘 문제

끝장토익 토익과외 2024. 3. 23. 13:14

토익 기출 어휘 형용사+명사 토익 빈출 명사 어휘 문제


< 형용사 + 명사 >

welcome addition  (추가되어도) 환영받는 사람/물건
be welcome addition[valuable asset] to N     
소중한 자산이 되다

- The Indian Mall will be considered a welcome _______ to the Upper East Side and surrounding neighborhoods.
(A) addition  

(B) equipment  

(C) opposition  

(D) objection


specific advice                             명확한 충고
cf. practical advice                        실제적인 조언

- The Kimberton House Show features opportunities to hear specific ______ from professional decorators.
(A) house   

(B) case   

(C) advice   

(D) song


full capacity                                최대 용량, 능력

- The rapid reconfiguration of the main assembly line will allow the plant to operate at full _______ by March.
(A) price  

(B) content 

(C) capacity 

(D) delivery


positive feedback                        긍정적 평가
긍정적 대답/응답
feedback                   건설적인 평가

- Maintenance Service representatives who smile habitually when talking on the phone are more likely to receive positive _______ from customers.
(A) feedback 

(B) experience 

(C) impact  

(D) influence


sharp incline                               가파른 경사면

- Trails designated for experienced hikers include sharp _______ and rough terrain.
(A) inclines 

(B) acquisitions  

(C) qualifications  

(D) reserves


last, final stage/step[phase]          마지막 단계

- We encourage customer visits during the final _______ of the project to facilitate communication.
(A) trace 

(B) decline 

(C) guide 

(D) phase


friendly practice                          우호적 관행

- Recycling bins are an increasingly common sight in hotel rooms because surveys show that environmentally friendly _______ are important to guests.
(A) creations 

(B) effects 

(C) practices

(D) compositions


review / develop / make / offer / submit / support / accept + detailed proposal 상세한 제안()

- Based on the detailed _______ submitted by Mr. Johnson, the first option is for the best interest of the corporation.
(A) expression 

(B) proposal

(C) advice 

(D) transaction


social settings                   사회적[사교적] 환경
cf. work environment[settings]         근무[근로] 환경

- Smallfield Indusries’ representatives must be comfortable interacting with clients in both work and social _______.
(A) settings 

(B) standards 

(C) qualifications 

(D) reforms


[double/day/early/late/overnight/evening] shift 근무조

- FIscher’s Cafeteria is looking for a full-time assistant manager to oversee the evening _______ on weekdays from 3:00 to 10:00 P.M.
(A) chance 

(B) shift 

(C) practice 

(D) effect

- Employees at JIG Insurance working on overnight _______ to provide 24-hour emergency call service.
(A) branches  

(B) references 

(C) points 

(D) shifts


provide / claim / give / continue / offer / receive / win +
support                              지지, 지원

- The proposal for expansion won strong _______ from the board, but the company will have to generate capital to obtain the needed financing.
(A) criteria 

(B) support  

(C) attitude 

(D) address

- To thank our customers for their continued _______, two coupons for discounts for a future purchase will be provided.
(A) transaction 

(B) support   

(C) foundation 

(D) resource


revised version                            개정 / 버전
revised / earlier / previous / next / final / first / latest / different / revised / improved / updated

- Any updates must be duly noted in the official _______ of the action plan on the OGP website.
(A) reaction 

(B) version  

(C) function 

(D) opinion

- The publisher has decided to stop circulating his long-running magazine and to offer a revised _______ to the public instead.

(A) reaction 

(B) version  

(C) function 

(D) opinion


allergic reaction                              알레르기 반응


basic fare                                       기본 요금


best interests                                  최선의 이익


brief summary                               간략한 개요, 요약


company’s representative                회사대표


effective utilization                          효율적 활용


excellent review                            극찬


extensive restoration                       대대적인 복구


financial assistance                         재정적 도움

financial incentive                           금융 혜택

financial stability                             금융의 안정


general consensus                           전반적인 합의


important asset                               중요 자산


in-depth revision                             면밀한 수정


innovative development                   혁신적 개발


international competitor                   국제적인 경쟁자


key factor[element]                     중요한 요소


late entry                                       후발 진입


lowest bid                                       최저 입찰가


major distributor                             주요 배급자

major issue                                   주요 문제


minor lapse                                    가벼운 실수


parking permit[permission]              주차증


personal anecdote                           개인적 일화


potential applicant[client]                 잠재적 지원자


professional attire                        업무에 맞는 복장


promising applicant                         유망한 지원자


prospective applicant                       응시 예정자


public interests                               공익


qualified applicant[candidate]         적임자


repeated assurance                         거듭된 장담


secondary effect / side effect           이차효과/부작용


severe reaction                               격렬한 반응


small contractor                           중요한 계약자


substantial/significant reward        상당한 포상


technical description                        전문적 설명서


total budget                                    예산총액


top priority                                   우선순위

high priority                                   높은 우선순위

low priority                                    낮은 우선순위


valid alternative                              유효한 대안


valuable asset                                 귀중한 자산


well-deserved advancement             응당한 승진


written notification[notice]               서면 공지
cf. be postponed until further notice 추후 공지까지 연기되다.



토익 기출문제 pdf 형용사+명사 토익 빈출 명사 어휘 문제 다운로드

토익 기출문제 pdf 형용사+명사 토익 빈출 명사 어휘 문제.pdf



토익 기출문제 pdf 복합명사 총정리

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토익 기출문제 pdf be동사 + 형용사(보어) + 전치사

토익 기출문제 pdf 사람 명사 vs 사물 명사



위 내용은 끝장토익토익과외 실제 수업 자료 중 일부분입니다.
(수업의 모든 자료는 기출문제를 기반으로 강사 자체 제작한 교재로 수강생분들의 단기간 성적향상으로 입증된 최고 양질의 토익 자료입니다!)
수업자료 전부(문법, 어휘, Part 7, L/C 등)를 원하시면 아래 링크 참고 부탁드립니다.

'온라인 class' 상세 내용 & 신청 링크
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토익 개요 및 단기간 점수 향상 공부 방법 컨설팅 특강

토익 개요 및 단기간 점수 향상 공부 방법 컨설팅 특강 신청 방법1. 카톡 아이디: loveEng 로 연락 (혹은 아래 댓글)2. 수강생분 편하신 일정(2시간)을 정해 강사 스케쥴 조율 후 특강 수강료 20만원


