토익 기출 어휘 be동사 + 형용사(보어) + 전치사 형태의 숙어
<be + 형용사(보어) + 전치사>
be agreeable to
보어자리: 선뜻 동의하는[승낙하는]
sth is agreeable to sb ~에게 받아들일 수 있는
sb is agreeable to sth ~에 선뜻 동의하는
cf. 명사수식자리: 기분 좋은, 쾌활한
an agreeable change 기분 좋은 변화
- The contract was _______ to all parties and was signed on Thursday.
(A) substantial
(B) timely
(C) agreeable
(D) attentive
be aware of n = be aware that +S+V ~을 명심하다, ~을 알고있다 <=> be unaware of / that ~을 모르다
- Please be _______ that the terms and conditions of the Meyer Company contract are subject to change annually.
- The company has been _______ of the problem and updated its server recently so that it will not happen again.
(A) proposed
(B) known
(C) aware
(D) noticed
- According to the Human Resources Director, many employees were unaware of the company's training program.
be based on ~에 토대하다
- The stories in Trevor McElroy's latest are _______ on some of popular Scotland's legends.
(A) based
(B) taken
(C) heard
(D) read
be confident in/of/that S+V ~을 자신하다
- The senior editor is _______ that the feature article of this issue will receive positive reviews.
(A) remembered
(B) designated
(C) confident
(D) important
be comfortable with ~이 마음에 드는, 편안한
- First of all, a celebration is not truly a celebration if the people present are not happy or comfortable _______ the idea of being there.
(A) for
(B) with
(C) in
(D) against
be compatible with ~와 호환되다
cf. be comparable to ~와 비슷하다
(= similar, equal, equivalent)
- Before purchasing a software program, please make sure that it is _______ with the operating system installed on your computer.
(A) agreeable
(B) receptive
(C) compatible
(D) beneficial
be due 만기인, ~하기로 되어 있는
- The following books are _______ back to the Eastside Library on the date indicated.
(A) ready
(B) necessary
(C) paid
(D) due
- As of tomorrow, all books borrowed from the City Library will be _______ two weeks from the checkout date.
(A) owing
(B) payable
(C) paid
(D) due
be eligible for ~할 자격이 있는
- Employees must have been on the job for at least twelve monthsto be _______ for alternative working arrangements.
(A) eligible
(B) plausible
(C) flexible
(D) compatible
be exempt from ~ing ~이 면제되다
- Although she is ________ from paying the consumption fee for her mobile, she should pay for the tax.
(A) overcharged
(B) district
(C) ready
(D) exempt
be fortunate to do/ that S+V/in ~ing
~해서 운이 좋다
- Montoya College is _______ to present renowned violinist Jason Kouda in concert this Saturday in the Greenglen Auditorium.
(A) fortunate
(B) talented
(C) admired
(D) essential
be familiar with ~을 아주 잘 아는, ~에 익숙한
- Ashland Art Center offers advanced photography classes to anyone _______ with basic camera operations.
(A) familiarizes
(B) familiarize
(C) familiarity
(D) familiar
be (justifiably) optimistic about ~에 관하여 낙관하는 것이 타당하다
- Given higher-than-forecasted revenues in the last three quarters, Jaipur Automotive is justifiably _______ about its growth.
(A) ample
(B) impressive
(C) optimistic
(D) devoted
be punctual 시간에 맞춰, 시간을 엄수하는
- Saturday’s computer workshop will start at 8:00 A.M. sharp, so participants should make every effort to be _______.
(A) punctual
(B) simultaneous
(C) challenged
(D) immediate
be relevant to 관련있는, 적절한
- There are educational videos _______ to each position in the media lab on the second floor of the company library.
(A) relevances
(B) relevantly
(C) relevance
(D) relevant
be responsible for ~을 책임지다, 담당하다
be accountable for (설명을 해야하는)책임이 있다
cf. account for 설명하다
- These assistants, under Sharon's management, are _______ for many office's basic administrative and clerical functions.
(A) productive
(B) responsible
(C) total
(D) considerable
- The contract states that Solcus Corporation will be _______ for any costs ~ .
(A) accountable
(B) manageable
(C) knowledgeable
(D) flexible
be vulnerable to ~에취약하다
- Medicine that has been removed from its original packaging is more _______ to changes in the environment.
(A) concealed
(B) alarming
(C) obtainable
(D) vulnerable
be absent from ~에 결석하다
be acquainted with ~에 익숙하다
be appreciative of = appreciate ~에 감사하다
be associated with[to]
= be related with[to] ~와 관련된
be attentive to ~에 주위를 기울이는
be capable of ~을 할 수 있다/유능하다
be certain that/about ~을 확신하다
be clear[apparent, obvious] that ~은 명백하다
be committed[dedicated, devoted] to ~에 헌신하다
be consistent with ~와 조화를 이루다
be concerned about ~에 관하여 우려하다
be disruptive to ~에 지장을 주는
be enthusiastic about ~에 열광하다
be grateful for ~에 감사하다
be indicative of ~를 나타내다
be interested in ~에 관심(흥미)이 있다
be reflective of ~을 반영하다
be responsive to ~에 응답하다
be satisfied with ~에만족하다
be scheduled for ~로 시간 잡다
be unanimous in ~에만장일치하다
be unfamiliar with ~와 친숙하지 않다
be useful for ~에 유용하다
be well-known + for
[notable, noted, famous, renowned, celebrated] for ~로 유명하다
be suitable + for
[suited, adequate, appropriate, proper, ideal, optimal] for ~에 적당[적절]하다
- We found the Liztop payroll management system was the only one (which is) _______ for our needs.
(A) cooperative (B) deliberate (C) extensive (D) adequate
cf. adequate[sufficient/ample] 충분한 + space/funding
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토익 기출문제 pdf 복합명사 총정리 < 명사 + 명사 = 복합명사 > morning break 쉬는 시간 - During the morning _______, workshop participants may help themselves to coffee or tea. (A) day (B) break (C) place (D) finish awards ceremony
위 내용은 끝장토익토익과외 실제 수업 자료 중 일부분입니다.
(수업의 모든 자료는 기출문제를 기반으로 강사 자체 제작한 교재로 수강생분들의 단기간 성적향상으로 입증된 최고 양질의 토익 자료입니다!)
수업자료 전부(문법, 어휘, Part 7, L/C 등)를 원하시면 아래 링크 참고 부탁드립니다.
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