토익 기출 어휘 be 동사 + 형용사 + that 등 특정구조 해설 및 예문
< be + 형용사 + 특정구조 >
1) It is _______ that S+V
: It is clear that we will win. / It is probable that he will succeed
It is clear[apparent/ evident/ obvious] that
S+V 라는 것은 분명하다.
It is doubtful that S+V 라는 것이 의심스럽다.
It is confident that S+V 라고 확신하다
It is probable that S+V 일 것 같다.
- With complaints about the brake system increasing day by day, it is _______ that the auto company will have to issue a recall of the car model.
(A) probable (B) tolerable (C) affordable (D) vulnerable
2) It is _______ that S + (should) 동사원형
: It is important that you (should) be on time.
: <2.문법유형-정동사> 3-7-2. ‘중필’ 의 형용사가 that절을 취하면 that절 안에는 (should) + 동사원형 참고
It is important that S + 동사원형 중요하다
essential[mandatory] 필수다
imperative 반드시 해야 한다
advisable 바람직하다
- It is _______ that all information concerning our clients be kept in locked filing cabinets.
(A) confidential (B) absolute (C) imperative (D) apprehensive
3) It is _______ for s.b to do ~
: It is possible for me to be on time.
It is possible for s.b to do ~ 가능하다
necessary 필요하다
easy 쉽다
hard[difficult] 어렵다
mandatory 필수적이다
4) 사람주어 + be _______ that S+V
: I am sure that we will win.
사람 + be sure[certain] that ~ 확신한다
confident 자신 있다
optimistic / positive 낙관적이다
hopeful 희망하다
aware 알고 있다
doubtful 의심하다
5) 주어 + be _______ to do ~
: I am able to go.
사람/사물 + be able to do ~할 수 있다
willing 기꺼이 ~의향이 있다
reluctant ~를 꺼려한다
likely ~일 것 같다
eager[keen] 몹시 ~하고 싶어한다
eligible 자격이 있다
- The increase in sales of our latest toy product is _______ to continue until early next year as predicted by the company’s business analysts.
(A) likely (B) potential (C) capable (D) seemed
위 내용은 끝장토익토익과외 실제 수업 자료 중 일부분입니다.
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