토익 기출문제 pdf 토익 기출 문법 어휘 최신기출문제를 기반으로 한 진단고사
토익 기출문제 pdf 최신기출문제를 기반으로 한 진단고사
토익 기출문제 pdf 최신기출문제를 기반으로 한 진단고사 최신기출문제를 기반으로한 진단고사입니다. Part 5의 구조,어휘,문법 문제가 골고루 포함되어 있고 전부 좋은 문제들이니 다운 받아서
최신기출문제를 기반으로한 진단고사 답안입니다.
유형별 어떤 문제에 약하셨는지요?
자신이 부족한 부분을 간단히 확인해보는 계기가 되셨으면 합니다^^
Diagnosis Test_Answer
1. 품사자리문제 (전부 어휘문제로도 공부해야 함)
1. This letter is to follow up on our telephone ______ of March 17.
(A) conversationally (B) conversational (C) conversation 복합명사 (D) conversationalist
2. Keep ______ campground clean by depositing trash in the green bins.
(A) us (B)we (C) our 소유격+명사 (D) ourselves
7. Monthly(adj.) + N ______ at Koolbani Uniforms doubled(V) as soon as Midcounty Medical Center opened nearby.
(A) sellable (B) to sell (C) was sold (D) sales
3. CEO Laurie Martin presented a ______ marketing strategy to the board of directors.
(A) boldly (B) boldness (C) bold (D) boldest
4. The restaurant’s new _____ menu has grown the number of guests by 15 percent.
(A) impress (B) impresses (C) impressed (D) impressive 진짜 형용사가 있으면 그게 답
5. The hit television show Gerta's Travels _____ draws more than 2 million viewers per episodes.
(A) regular (B) regularly (C) regularity (D) regulars
6. Alex Revak, who ______ identified a white-tailed eagle, won the Birding Society’s annual award for rare bird recognition.
(A) correct (B) correctly (C) corrective (D) correcting
8. This document certifies that Yolanda Adams has _____ completed the advanced program in accounting in Brooks University.
(A) success (B) successes (C) successful (D) successfully
2. 문장구성요소
9. _____ in mail delivery are usually due to the increased volume of packages and letters during peak periods.
(A) Delays 주어자리 명사류중에 명사, 주어+동사 일치로 복수명사 + 복수동사 (B) Delaying 주어자리 명사류중에 동명사는 주어+동사 일치에 맞지 않음. 혹은 해석으로 ‘~하는 것’ (C) Delayed (D) Delay
4. 기타
10. Ms. Rao can manage the Reese account ____, 문장이 완벽함 provided that a more experienced accountant monitors the work periodically.
(A) herself 강조용법 (B) her (C) her own (D) hers
그냥 암기
11. Those interested in the advertised position should complete the application online ____ than May20.
(A) wherever (B) as quickly (C) no later (D) hastily
12. The offices of Pfingst and Associates are ________ located in the center of Meyerville.
(A) conveniently (B) gracefully (C) evenly (D) fluently 부사어휘 - <부사+동사> 27번
13. Activity at the processing plant was halted ____ while equipment was transitioned to the new power source.
(A) momentarily 잠시동안 (B) thoughtfully C) presently D) respectively 부사어휘 - <부사+동사> 59번
14. As a ________ for bringing new businesses to Beladox Ltd., Ms.Yi will receive a bonus.
(A) progress (B) treatment (C) distribution (D) reward
15. A comprehensive ________ conducted by Clear Skies Airlines indicates that many business travelers place high value on secure Internet access on airplanes.
(A) strategy (B) design (C) survey (D) data
동사어휘 - <타동사+목적어(명사)> 2번
16. Suggestions for changes to the auditing process are only ______ since the plan still needs a final review.
(A) agreeable (B) perfected (C) tentative (D) invented 형용사어휘 - <be+형용사(보어)>
18. Opportunities for temporary proofreaders ------- to be posted on Wilfred Publishing's Web site on August 10.
(A) have been anticipating (B) are anticipated (C) anticipate (D) anticipates
17. Tourists will discover many unique customs and traditions when ________ Mexico.
(A) visit (B) to visit (C) visiting (D) are visiting
19. _________ Mr. Singh is on vacation next week, Ms,Robinson will handle any urgent requests from his clients.
(A) Whether (B) So that (C) While (D) Rather than
20. Earlier this week, Kahi Agdah interviewed several actors _____ have appeared on the stage at the Belsin Theater.
(A) recently (B) where (C) who 선행사가 사람인 형용사절 접속사 (D) since
정답 및 해설 다운로드
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토익 기출문제 pdf 복합명사 총정리
토익 기출문제 pdf 복합명사 총정리 < 명사 + 명사 = 복합명사 > morning break 쉬는 시간 - During the morning _______, workshop participants may help themselves to coffee or tea. (A) day (B) break (C) place (D) finish awards ceremony
위 내용은 끝장토익토익과외 실제 수업 자료 중 일부분입니다.
(수업의 모든 자료는 기출문제를 기반으로 강사 자체 제작한 교재로 수강생분들의 단기간 성적향상으로 입증된 최고 양질의 토익 자료입니다!)
수업자료 전부(문법, 어휘, Part 7, L/C 등)를 원하시면 아래 링크 참고 부탁드립니다.
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