토익 기출문제 pdf 타동사와 연결되는 전치사 타동사+목적어(명사)+전치사 총정리
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토익 기출문제 pdf 타동사와 연결되는 전치사 타동사+목적어(명사)+전치사 총정리

by 끝장토익 토익과외 2024. 4. 21.

토익 기출문제 pdf 타동사와 연결되는 전치사 타동사+목적어(명사)+전치사 총정리




1. A to B 형태    (A B 에게 ~하다)
= A is pp.
to B  (A B 에게 ~되다)
전치사 to 움직임을 나타냄. 따라서 이동성 의미를 가진 동사가 정답


allocate[distribute]        할당하다, 분배하다
deliver / ship                   
배달하다 / 발송하다
direct[forward, convey]   
전달하다, 보고하다
보내다, 제공하다
submit[present]              제출하다
refer A to B                    A B 여기다, 간주하다


- All receipts related to travel expenses should be ________ to the accounting director before the end of the day.
(A) needed  

(B) selected  

(C) assumed

(D) submitted

- Anjuli Nirmalan will distribute an _______ to each committee member before next Tuesday's meeting.
(A) appearance  

(B) expense  

(C) engagement  

(D) agenda

- The various measures used to determine annual salary increases _______ to as the merit criteria.
(A) are referred  

(B) referring  

(C) have referred  

(D) to refer


attribute A to B = credit B with A          
원인을 B 돌리다, A B 덕분이다
수동 => A is attributed to B          
             = B is credited with A = A is due to B
B 공로로 돌리다.


compare A to[with] B     A B 구별하다


donate[contribute] A to B            A B 기부하다
cf. make donation[contribution] to       ~ 기부하다


explain A to B               B에게 A 설명하다


match A to B                 A B 연결[매칭]시키다


- Wilmo Electronics attributes its recent sales gains _______ to television advertisements that air during the popular show Giamo Gab.
(A) importantly

(B) primarily

(C) tightly

(D) extremely

- In his address, President Nagano compared the recent performance of Teggo Finance _______ Depcoa Accounting Services.
(A) as opposed to 

(B) when in fact 

(C) what is more 

(D) to that of

- RexTech Inc. _______ more than 22,000 tons of food and medical supplies to the Red Feather disaster relief agency.
(A) applied

(B) donated

(C) dedicated

(D) supported
cf. donate 목적어로 같은 기부물품이 오고 전치사 to 취하고 support 목적어로 지지하는(후원하는) 대상이 .
I donated money to the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
= I supported the victims of Hurricane Katrina financially.


- Since Fortan Construction often has leftover materials from its projects, it donates them _______ charitable organizations in need.
(A) of 

(B) on 

(C) by 

(D) to

- At Unocal Corporation, we strive to _______ our electronic items to customers in clear terms.
(A) explain  

(B) insert 

(C) decide  

(D) believe

- The Watford Employment Agency aims to _______ each applicant to an appropriate job opening.
(A) miss 

(B) resemble 

(C) match 

(D) need


announce A to B               A B에게 발표하다

apply A to B                      A에게 B 적용하다

entitle A to B                    A에게 B 권한을 주다

escort A to B                     A B 안내하다

lend A to B                       A B 빌려주다

owe A to B                        A B 덕분이다

restrict A to B                   A B 제한하다



2. A into B 형태

convert A into B                 A B 전환,개조하다


expand (A) into B                        (A) B 확대하다
cf. expand vs. extend
vt.,vi. expand = enlarge
n. expansion into China/European market ~
로의 (사업)확장

vt. extend = prolong = lengthen          연장하다 
n. extension to next Monday ~
로의 (마감일) 연장, deadline extension 마감일 연장
   extend = offer                           
② 베풀다
extend + offer / invitation / apology


- Alfredo and Nina Gomez purchased an old house near Gifford Lake and _______ it into a nice hotel.
(A) expanded 

(B) improved 

(C) converted 

(D) resulted

- Mehndi Foods will be _______ its delivery service into three more communities in February.
(A) expanding  

(B) cooperating 

(C) reserving  

(D) selecting

- Russet Software announced in a press release that it is planning to expand _______ India.
(A) at 

(B) about 

(C) into 

(D) of


integrate[incorporate] A into[with] B
B 통합시키다

load A into B                     A B 싣다

leave A in B                      A B 놓고 오다

invest A in B                     A B 투자하다

place A in/on B                 A B 놓다



3. A with B 형태

provide A(사람/기관) with B(사물)
= provide B to[for] B         A
에게 B 제공하다

replace A with B               
substitute B for A
exchange A for B    A B 교체[대체,교환]하다


- The Rooney Trade Association’s website provides members _______ easy access to the latest business news.
(A) into 

(B) with 

(C) among 

(D) beside

- In many recipes, generic food products may be _______ for brand-name ingredients.
(A) opened 

(B) involved 

(C) substituted 

(D) replenished

- Although Sunshine Mart doesn't offer any refunds, a returned item can be _______ for another of equal value.
(A) selected  

(B) exchanged  

(C) entered 

(D) subtracted


associate A with B             A B 관련 짓다

charge A with B                A에게 B 부여하다

combine A with B              A B 결합하다

enclose A with B               A B 동봉하다

equip/outfit A with B         A에게 B라는 장비를 갖추게 하다 = B be equipped/outfitted with A

leave A with B                  A B 남기다

reward A with B                A에게 B 보상하다



4. A for B 형태

check A for B                    A B 대하여 체크하다

compensate A for B           A에게 B 대해 보상하다

honor A for B                    A에게 B 대해 수여하다

recognize A for B              A B 대해 표창하다



5. 기타 형태

lean A against B                A B 기대다


cite A as B                         A B라고 언급하다
consider A as B                 A
B 고려하다
= A is considered as B   
= be known as                 A
B 알려져 있다
regard A as B                    A
B 여기다, 간주하다
refer A to B


omit A from B                  누락[제외]시키다; 생략하다
delete A from B                 (
지움으로) 삭제하다
remove A from B               (
빼냄으로) 제거하다
= A is removed from B
= clear A from B
= eliminate A from B         (
없앰으로) 제거하다


collect[obtain, gather] A from B         B에서 A 모으다/얻다


extract A from B              B에서 A 발췌하다


select A from B                  B에서 A 선택하다


prevent[prohibit, discourage] A from ~ing              A ~하는 것을 막다

- A collection box for old batteries is available to _______ them from accidentally being disposed of with the regular waste.
(A) ignore  (B) present  (C) organize  (D) prevent


brief A on B        A에게 (B 대해) 알려주다[보고하다]
= inform[advise] A of B


congratulate A on B          A에게 B 축하하다
focus A on B                     A
B 집중하다




토익 기출문제 pdf 타동사와 연결되는 전치사 다운로드

타동사와 연결되는 전치사.pdf


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토익 시험 타동사 전치사 순위 Top 40

  타동사 의미 전치사
1 replace 교체하다 replace A with B
2 confuse 혼동하다 confuse A with B
3 compare 비교하다 compare A with B
4 farmilarize 익숙하다 farmiliarize A with B
5 include 포함시키다 include A with B
6 mix 섞다 mix A with B
7 add 추가하다 add A to B
8 submit 제출하다 submit A to B
9 distribute 배포하다 distribuet A to B
10 contribute 기여하다 contribuet A to B
11 apply 적용시키다 apply A to B
12 direct 보내다 direct A to B
13 lead 이끌다 lead A to B
14 issue 발행하다 issue A to B
15 alert 경고하다 alert A to B
16 punish 벌주다 punish A for B
17 blame 비난하다 blame A for B
18 scold 혼내키다 scold A for B
19 praise 칭찬하다 praise A for B
20 thank 감사하다 thank A for B
21 excuse 미안해하다 excuse A for B
22 exchage 교환하다 exchange A for B
23 compensate 보상하다 compensate A for B
24 pay 지불하다 pay A for B
25 check 체크하다 check A for B
26 substitute 대체하다 substitute A for B
27 rob 빼앗다 rob A of B
28 ease 편안케하다 ease A of B
29 deprive 강탈하다 deprive A of B
30 cure 치료하다 cure A of B
31 relieve 완화시켜주다 relieve A of B
32 clear 깨끗하게 해주다 clear A of B
33 heal 치료하다 heal A of B
34 breif 간략 요약하다 brief A on B
35 congratulate 축하하다 congratulate A on B
36 impose 부과하다 impose A on B
37 spend 쓰다 spend A on B
38 regard 간주하다 regard A as B
39 describe 설명하다 describe A as B
40 designate 지정하다 designate A as B
41 define 정의하다 define A as B
42 cite 언급하다 cite A as B
43 describe 묘사하다 describe A as B
44 divide 나누다 divide A into B
45 insert 삽입하다 insert A into B



위 내용은 끝장토익토익과외 실제 수업 자료 중 일부분입니다.
(수업의 모든 자료는 기출문제를 기반으로 강사 자체 제작한 교재로 수강생분들의 단기간 성적향상으로 입증된 최고 양질의 토익 자료입니다!)
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